
The cracks in the deepest ocean trench on earth swallow 3 billion tons of seawater every year. Where does the sea water go?

The earth is frantically “drinking” 3 billion tons of seawater, and there are bursts of mourning in the ocean, so where does all this water go? Will tens of thousands of tons of seawater be swallowed by the earth and eventually be “drinked”?

In 2018, a paper from the University of Washington in the United States was published in the journal. The research team of this university revealed in the report the strange behavior of the Mariana Trench, a large crack in the seabed.

The report shows that in the Pacific Ocean, there is one of the deepest ocean trenches on earth. The deepest trench reaches 6 to 11 kilometers. Even if Mount Everest is put in, it cannot be exposed to the sea. And the Mariana Trench is swallowing seawater at an alarming rate, which is four times faster than scientists expected, and this amazing trench is like a scene in a science fiction movie, and Mali The Yana Trench is located near the 30° north latitude of the earth.

In this location, there are particularly mysterious and interesting natural phenomena, so driven by human curiosity and desire to explore, a submersible that can resist high pressure has been developed, hoping to reach the depths of the trench and conduct a comprehensive exploration.

Scientists have been conducting scientific research in the Mariana Trench since 2015. The Mariana Trench is located in the Pacific Ocean in the northern part of the Philippines. It is the deepest seafloor crack detected on the earth. In order to test the speed of seawater entering the earth, and to obtain For relevant data, researchers have installed monitoring points at different depths of the trench, not only 19 seismic wave detectors in the Mariana Trench.

And also installed 7 seismographs on the nearby islands. The installation of these instruments can well capture the propagation speed of seismic waves in the trench, and the records of these values will also become the original data for studying the speed of seawater entering the interior of the earth. , after months of research by scientists.

After summarizing the data, they found that when the seawater reached 30 kilometers below the surface, the speed of propagation dropped significantly. When it arrived here, the seawater was directly inhaled by the earth and transformed into another form, which was stored inside the earth. , and in the research, scientists heard a strange sound in the depths of the ocean trench, like a wailing sound, which sounded unconsciously and made people feel numb, making people afraid to approach.

When scientists were carefully analyzing the sound, at this moment, scientists discovered that in the deepest part of the trench, there was something mysterious, and this thing was swallowing seawater at an alarming speed, so scientists combined the characteristics of different media on the seabed to calculate The distribution of geological structures in the depths of the seabed and the propagation speed of seismic waves were calculated. After research, the evaluation results obtained directly subverted the scientific team’s cognition, that is, this thing is swallowing up at a rate of more than 3 billion tons per year. with sea water.

So in the depths of the trench, what is it that devours the sea water so crazy, and 3 billion tons of water enters the stomach every year, how big of a body does this thing have to be able to hold so much water? And it lives in the deepest part of the trench. What kind of animals can survive at a depth of 11 kilometers?

You know, blue whales are by far the largest marine creatures, even more than some huge large dinosaurs, weighing 188 tons, a single tongue weighs 2 tons, and the water column they spew out is as high as 12 meters, but even blue whales Its size is so huge that it can only swim to about 300 meters underwater.

But the deepest part of the Mariana Trench is 11,000 meters deep. Large animals like blue whales cannot survive here because they cannot resist the water pressure, even if they can survive in the 10,000-meter trench through continuous evolution , but there is not enough food here to support their survival.

Therefore, the scientific team believes that the possibility of huge creatures in the depths of the trench can be ruled out, so what is swallowing the huge seawater in the depths of the trench? After scientists’ speculation, is there a thing like the Monticello Dam in the United States deep in the Mariana Trench?

The dam is known as a “giant annular spillway” and has been dubbed the most dangerous dam in the world, with a terrifying-looking spillway that resembles a bottomless pit. Someone once had a conjecture that if you have the courage to jump in, then you will shoot out the exit like a bullet.

This kind of conjecture can be imagined. If people fall into it, they will definitely die. In fact, the Monticello Dam is a large-scale circulating floodway in the United States. It can discharge 48,400 cubic feet of flood water per second, which is the largest flood discharge in the world. Dao, in fact, there is a bottomless pit like this in our country, that is the Wenxing funnel in Sichuan.

And the very coincidental Wenxing funnel is also located near the mysterious 30° north latitude like the Mariana Trench. It is a bowl-shaped depression with a diameter of 650 meters and a depth of 208 meters. The magic of the Wenxing funnel is That is, whether it is raining or flooding, the water level in the natural funnel will not rise. This problem has puzzled scientists for many years.

In the end, it was found that the Wenxing funnel is located in the earthquake zone, and there is an underground river under it. Whether it is a heavy rain or a flood, the underground river under the big funnel can wash away the excess water. The water level under the funnel can be equal to the water level of the underground river, so as to ensure that the big funnel will neither be flooded nor dry up due to drought, so is there also one in the depths of the Mariana Trench, like this Bottomless pit? Is it because of this that the sea level in the Mariana Trench has not dropped?


The scientists immediately launched an investigation. After the investigation, the scientists directly rejected the previous conjecture. The statement that there is a bottomless pit at the bottom of the trench is not valid. First of all, the deepest hole that humans have dug on the earth has just reached 12,000 meters, so the average thickness of the crust is more than 35,000 meters. It seems that even if humans do their best, they cannot dig into the lower mantle and the outer and inner parts. shell.


This means that it is impossible to form a bottomless pit that leads directly to the center of the earth by relying on the power of human beings and the earth itself. In this way, the idea of ​​a bottomless pit in the Mariana Trench is directly denied by scientists, then in the Mariana Trench What is in the deepest part of the ocean that is constantly swallowing the sea water? Where did all the devoured seawater go?

Why has the earth been swallowed by so much sea water, but the sea level has not fallen but has risen? These problems have been plaguing scientists, so the team of scientists decided to change the direction this time, starting with the strange sound in the depths of the Mariana Trench. After continuous testing by scientists, they finally figured out this Where did the strange sound come from? It turns out that this strange sound is not the mysterious creature that scientists had guessed before, but that the sea water is constantly following the movement of the plate.

The sound brought into the mantle, when the Pacific plate subducted to the Eurasian continental plate, the seawater acted as a “lubricant” in the middle, and the seawater was also brought into the deepest part of the mantle, which formed the depth of the mantle the aquifer. And in recent years, scientists have proved that the discovery of a large number of hydrates in the interior of the earth has also confirmed the existence of a “hidden ocean”, and a part of the seawater has remained in the interior of the earth through hydration transformation.

But this does not mean that the sea water will be permanently sealed underground, but will reappear on the earth in another way. After research, when the collision of plates produces a subduction zone, the subduction zone will continue to flow to the earth. The interior transports seawater, and through collisional motion, the water is returned through geological motion.

So seeing this, we finally know that it turns out that it is the earth itself that has been swallowing a large amount of seawater. In the deepest center of the earth, it may be a huge reservoir. Although the earth devours a large amount of water, the earth as a whole still exists in the interior of the earth, which means that even if the earth devours a large amount of seawater every year, the earth will keep the water through the geological cycle. balance.

Continue to return to nature in various forms, so this is the reason why the sea level does not drop but rises. Finally, we finally know that the Mariana Trench is actually helping a lot of seawater to further evolve, and it emits strange The sound is also the sound of a lot of sea water, constantly flowing.

But this is only scientists’ exploration of the Mariana Trench. In the world, large trenches like the Mariana Trench are widely distributed on the earth. According to current research, there are more than 20 such large trenches. The trench is rapidly swallowing the sea water.

These seafloor cracks run through the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, and the seawater it absorbs every year is beyond human imagination, so the mystery of the ocean is unfathomable. 71% of our earth is ocean, and it already exists on earth. billions of years, so we are extremely small to the ocean.

People’s exploration of the ocean is still very low. For us, there are still more than 95% of the seabed that we have not explored, but I believe that in the near future, with the continuous improvement of our technology, we will also explore the ocean. If we explore more deeply and thoroughly, the layers of the veil of the ocean will eventually be unveiled by us. At that time, the ocean will no longer be mysterious to us humans, but will be unobstructed.

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