
An “unknown sphere” appears around the sun again? It travels freely on the surface of the sun, which is 35 times that of the earth!

We humans have always wanted to explore the universe and wonder if there are civilizations like us in this universe. In the past few hundred years, human beings have been so sensitive to alien civilizations that many of the UFO incidents we have seen are false propaganda. After all, the vast majority of UFO incidents do not provide a clear enough picture for humans to prove the existence of alien civilizations.

If a UFO appears around the sun, everyone’s first reaction may be to think that it is an unknown object.

A ‘mysterious sphere’ appears near the sun, 35 times the diameter of the Earth, escaping the sun’s gravity within seconds

In 2012, scientists took a strange picture through a probe, and they found that a huge object was slowly moving around the sun. Originally, scientists were not interested in this, after all, this is not a rare thing.

However, what happened next caught their eye. After clearing the photos, scientists found that the diameter of this unknown object actually reached 450,000 kilometers, which is 35 times that of the earth. Because the object is around the sun and the light interferes so much, many scientists think the data is wrong. However, the object actually grew “tentacles” that allowed itself to form a connection with the sun.


Scientists believe that this “tentacle” may be in the exchange of energy or matter, either injecting a certain substance into the sun or drawing energy from it. After a brief connection, the mysterious object retracted its tentacles, escaping the sun in seconds at breakneck speed.

According to common sense, if the diameter of a sphere is thirty-five times that of the earth, its mass will also be very large, and the attraction of the sun will be much greater than that of the earth, and it is impossible to leave the sun within a few seconds. According to observations, at the moment it left the sun, due to the huge kinetic energy it generated, it caused a huge storm to roll up on the surface of the sun.


After the official website released the news, many astronomy enthusiasts have logged on to the official website to witness this unknown object. After everyone knew about this phenomenon, they discussed it, what exactly is this unknown object? Is it just an ordinary celestial body or the spacecraft of some advanced alien civilization?

Scientists believe that if it is just an ordinary celestial body, it is difficult for it to leave the sun in a few seconds with a huge mass and volume. What’s more, if it is an ordinary celestial body, why have we never observed this mysterious celestial body in the solar system?


Some people also think that since the data transmitted near the sun has been seriously interfered by sunlight, does it mean that we don’t actually know the specific appearance of this planet, and naturally we don’t know what it is? It is also plausible that a celestial object that we have detected but did not pay attention to happens to move nearby.

Of course, most people still speculate that this mysterious object has something to do with alien civilizations. Some netizens said that because the sun is the core of our galaxy, this alien civilization may just come to explore the way, collect samples from the sun for research, and do not know the existence of our human beings.

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