
The mass of the earth is 60 trillion tons, why can it be suspended in the universe? Because of the mysterious power

The mass of the earth is 60 trillion gigatons, but why when astronauts in space look back at the earth, they find that the earth is suspended in the universe.

Through the accumulation of physical knowledge over the years, the earth is suspended in the universe, causing a misunderstanding to everyone.

What people don’t know is that the earth doesn’t actually revolve around the sun.


Based on Einstein’s general theory of relativity.

The reason the Earth revolves around the sun is because the massive star, the sun, bends the space-time around it.


The trajectory of the earth’s motion is around the side of the earth.

Let us give you a simple example.

For example, we take a relatively large iron ball and place it on a flat sponge pad.

At this time, we compare the iron ball to the sun and the sponge cushion to the space-time around the sun. We will find that the sponge cushion will be easily crushed by the iron ball.


If a relatively light ping-pong ball is placed near the collapse and moves forward, we will see that the ping-pong ball moves in a circular motion around the iron ball.

So instead of saying that the Earth is orbiting the sun, it is better to say that the Earth is bending around a collapsed spacetime.


It’s just that the space-time around the sun, when viewed by humans from our three-dimensional perspective, cannot see such changes in time and space.


When astronomers observe the universe, they discover that the moon orbits the earth, the earth orbits the sun, and the sun orbits the massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way.

And the entire Milky Way is revolving around the Virgo Supercluster.


At this time, we will find that, in fact, our seemingly peaceful cosmic celestial bodies are not static.

Nor is it completely suspended in the universe.

Rather, it is in a long-term state of motion.

The reason why we feel that the earth is suspended in space is because the motion of us and the earth is relatively static.


However, some scientists have put forward different views on this law of operation of the universe. They believe that gravity is not the only reason why celestial bodies are suspended in the universe.

It is very likely that this phenomenon is also related to dark matter and dark energy.


Although dark matter and dark energy cannot be directly observed, they exist in the universe.

According to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, we can conclude that in a star system, the farther away the planet is from its parent star, the less gravitational force it will experience.


But when astronomers observed the entire Milky Way, they discovered something incredible.

Those stars that are farther away from the center of the Milky Way violate this phenomenon.

It doesn’t seem to fully conform to the laws of universal gravitation. And they will have a greater revolution speed.


Therefore, they boldly guessed that there may be another mysterious force controlling the operation of these celestial bodies, and these mysterious forces are dark matter and dark energy.

Dark energy is also the most mysterious force that drives the universe.

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