
There are still mountains and waters 385 days a year. Will there be life on the earth’s “twin brother”?

Does Earth really have half-brothers outside the solar system? Astronomer: Yes, quite a few. The world-famous “Kepler Project” has observed more than 2,000 extrasolar planets, of which 1,076 belong to super-Earths.


A super-Earth is a concept that refers to those terrestrial planets with a volume and mass greater than that of the Earth, but no larger than 10 times that of the Earth.

Among them, many of them are surprisingly similar to the planet and the earth, as if it is another enlarged earth.

So, will there be a planet that breeds life?

Earth looking for twins

Kepler 452b

Kepler-452 b (Kepler-452 b) is located 1,400 light-years away from Earth, and how similar it is to Earth.

The first is that the star that the planet orbits is a G-type star like the sun, with a temperature similar to that of the sun, a mass only 4% larger than that of the sun, and a radius 1.1 times that of the sun.

Then there is its own data. Its radius is 1.5 times that of the earth and its mass is 5 times that of the earth. Even so, its revolution period is almost the same as that of the earth, which is 385 days.

That is to say, when people go to Kepler 452 b, there will not be too much time difference, and they can directly check in.

Earth and Kepler 452b

If there are people living on Kepler 452 b, then their height and weight will be much lower than those of the earth, otherwise the knees need to bear a very large force.

However, some astronomers believe that Kepler 452 b is a mini version of Neptune, because it has a dense atmosphere on its surface, and it is not ruled out that it is a gaseous planet after removing the atmosphere.

Kepler 452 b is 2 billion years older than Earth, and if there is life on it, it is very likely 2 billion years older than Earth.

Imagine that the people on Kepler 452 b have 2 billion years more development time than the earth. This level of civilization must not take off directly?

But this also raises the question, is humanity capable enough to handle a civilization that is 2 billion years ahead of us?

Kepler 452 b is suspected to be a miniature version of the sea

If there are people living on Kepler 452 b, then their height and weight will be much lower than those of the earth, otherwise the knees need to bear a very large force.

However, some astronomers believe that Kepler 452 b is a mini version of Neptune, because it has a dense atmosphere on its surface, and it is not ruled out that it is a gaseous planet after removing the atmosphere.

Kepler 452 b is 2 billion years older than Earth, and if there is life on it, it is very likely 2 billion years older than Earth.

Imagine that the people on Kepler 452 b have 2 billion years more development time than the earth. This level of civilization must not take off directly?

But this also raises the question, is humanity capable enough to handle a civilization that is 2 billion years ahead of us?

Kepler 452 b is suspected to be a miniature version of the sea

whether to emigrate

Humans spend a lot of money to find super-Earths, mainly for two purposes, first to find extraterrestrial civilization, and second to find the next habitable planet.

Generally speaking, there will definitely be life on planets suitable for life, but the level of life will be different.

For example, if there is a planet that has the same life evolution trajectory as life on Earth, but it is 1 billion years younger than the region, then its state at this time is the Earth 1 billion years ago, with life but not suitable for today’s human beings.

Another example is Kepler 452 b, which is 2 billion years older than the earth. Assuming that its life course also gave birth to life 800 million years after its birth, then its life level will always be 2 billion years faster than that of the earth.

G-type stars

However, if Kepler 452 b gave birth to life later, its current life is on the same level as the earth, and the people of the earth were just right in the past.

There is also a possibility that although Kepler 452 b is 2 billion years older than the earth, it started to give birth to life in a very short time, and it is now equivalent to the earth in the past.

If the technological civilization is 2 billion years ahead, then this is simply too dangerous for the earth. At least this civilization level is above level 5. Compared with the earth, we are really a younger brother.

The crushing of advanced civilization

Even if Kepler 452 b is just a planet with nothing, waiting for human beings to open up wasteland, it cannot be reached with current human technology.

It is 1,400 light-years away from the earth, and even light takes 1,400 years. It takes 1,400 years for the light of its parent star to reach the earth. That is to say, the light of Kepler 452 seen on the earth was emitted during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

It is basically impossible for a human aircraft to complete a distance of 1400 light-years. The diameter of the solar system is 2 to 4 light-years. The Voyager probe has not flown out for more than 40 years, let alone 1400 light-years.

On the whole, it seems like a fantasy for human beings to migrate to Pooler 452 b, and the potential of Pooler 452 b is far inferior to that of Earth.

life of the sun

premature death

The parent star of Kepler 452 b is a G-type star, the same type as the sun, with a lifespan of about 10 billion years. At present, the age of Kepler 452 is 6.5 billion years old.

According to the theoretical lifespan of a G-type star, it still has 3.5 billion years, and the sun has about 5 billion years of life.

Interstellar immigrants must all emigrate to safer places, trying their best to go to an old planet map? Is it about to expand into a red giant star?

From this point of view, the future of Kepler 452 b is not as large as that of Gliese 581 g. Its parent star is a red dwarf star, which causes the surface temperature of Gliese 581 g to be minus 30 ℃.

Gliese 581 g

But red dwarfs have a characteristic that they have a particularly long lifespan, which can exist for 20 billion years or more.

Gliese 581 exists in our Milky Way galaxy, and its oldest is only 13.6 billion years old, and it is at least 7 billion years away from its end of life.

And Gliese 581 g is only more than 20 light-years away from the earth. If you really need to fly with an aircraft, it is much easier to fly 20 light-years than 1400 light-years.

From this point of view, immigration to Kepler 452 b is very uneconomical for three main reasons:

People’s guessed Kepler 452 b

First, as a planet of the same G-type star, it has not much time left, only 3.5 billion years. How can there be immigrants to a planet that is about to die?

Second, the distance is too far, and its true identity has yet to be confirmed, so it does not rule out the possibility that it is a gaseous planet.

Third, Kepler 452 b is dangerous. It is 2 billion years earlier than the earth. If there are more advanced civilizations on it, the people of the earth used to be sheep.

human future spaceship

Of course, Kepler 452 b is not yet the furthest super-Earth from us. Astronomers have discovered a super-Earth beyond the Milky Way, 25,000 light-years away.

That is to say, the light of this super-Earth parent star was emitted 25,000 years ago, before humans crossed the Bering Strait.

Of course, humans have no hope of immigrating to this super-distant super-Earth, but we are curious if there is life in it.

Humans are frantically looking for terrestrial planets in the universe, like lonely children.


lonely earth

There is not only one planet in the solar system that has life, but absolutely only the earth has advanced intelligent life forms.

Moons such as Europa and Titan are thought to have life, and planets such as Mars are naturally thought to still have life.

Mars is called the “little Earth” in the solar system because it has too many similarities with Earth. 1 day on Mars = 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22.7 seconds, which is basically no different from Earth’s time.

However, because of the larger orbital radius of Mars, its year has 686.971 days, and the time of four seasons is twice that of Earth.

Mars thought to be possible for life

If you live on Mars, the winter and summer vacations will be twice as long as on Earth, so you will be relieved to think so.

However, the surface of Mars is dry and cold, and more importantly, the Martian atmosphere is thin and unable to withstand the sun’s radiation.

The thin atmosphere also cannot stop the storms on the surface of Mars. Since the gravity of Mars is only 38% of that of the earth, the dust on Mars is particularly serious. Once the storm blows, it will directly block the sky.

Storms and Lightning on Mars

The sub-storm on Mars is the biggest enemy of the human rover. At first, the rover used solar panels. Once the storm rages, it is not worried that it will blow the rover away, but that it will block the sunlight and cut off the energy source.

Human beings really have the greatest expectations for Mars, because it is the most likely to appear life among the remaining seven planets, and the place where the most aliens appear in film and television works is also Mars.

It can only be said that human beings are really lonely. When our wisdom allows us to open our eyes to the universe, we are obsessed with finding life outside the earth and civilizations outside the earth.

Although this is full of difficulties and even full of dangers, human beings have sacrificed the lives of 22 astronauts for this, but they still cannot resist our yearning for the universe.

lonely earth man


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