
Top 10 Key Words for Robot Technology Development in 2023 Humanoid Robots Selected

Emerging robotics technologies can meet the growing demands for industrial automation, digitization, and sustainability. For example, material handling in warehouses uses autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) to automate work.

2C3B3MJ Robot or humanoid cyborg working with abstract tech hologram interface. Futuristic AI in industry 4.0 develops industrial virtual drawings details

Here are the top 10 robotics trends and predictions for 2023 from the study:

1. Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs)

In manufacturing, workers often work in hazardous environments such as toxic chemicals, confined spaces, or heavy machinery. Autonomous mobile robots use sensors, artificial intelligence and computer vision to observe and understand their surroundings and navigate autonomously. For example, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) in warehouses use scanners to monitor inventory levels and automate material handling, and prevent inventory depletion. To speed up work, autonomous mobile robots can also transport components and parts over long distances inside factories.

2. Intelligent robot

Thanks to the combination of artificial intelligence and robotics, smart robots can use real-time information to optimize their work. Large datasets and real-time data are also used to train robots to become more accurate and effective. As a result, they are better able to perceive their surroundings, distinguish objects faster, and navigate independently.

3. Collaborative robots

Compared to traditional industrial robots, collaborative robots have advanced sensors and algorithms, they work with workers and must ensure the safety of those around them. To automate production activities such as welding parts and drilling, they are primarily operated with end-of-arm tooling (EOAT). These robots help employees move hazardous materials such as metal products, polymers and other materials.

4. Robots as a Service

Robot development and maintenance is an expensive and time-consuming process. Due to these constraints, many businesses (especially small businesses) are unable to incorporate robotics into their operations and need to use robotics-as-a-service.

5. Robot Cybersecurity

Robots are a prime target for cyber-attacks due to the increased integration and connectivity needs of the Internet of Things. Furthermore, due to the widespread use of robots in the defense, manufacturing, healthcare, and aerospace industries, robots must be protected from unauthorized access and intrusion. Employing a robotics cybersecurity solution protects endpoints and connectivity stacks to prevent data breaches and asset disruption.

6. Drones

Thanks to advances in edge computing, high-performance computing, and networking technologies, startups are now able to build drones with greater range and capabilities. They use drones to deliver goods, collect aerial data, inspect infrastructure, and do a variety of businesses. Drones used in agriculture can spray pesticides and sow seeds at specific locations, while monitoring crop growth and tracking the movement of livestock. The adaptability of drones has accelerated integration in last-mile transportation such as food and medical supplies.

7. IoT

Whereas robotics focuses on manufacturing, interaction and autonomous behavior, IoT provides sensing, monitoring and tracking capabilities. The performance of the robot is driven by an edge computing platform that enables feedback-driven workflows by collecting and sending data. Thanks to recent advances in edge IoT, robot manufacturers are now able to move computing closer to the source of the data. This enables robots to use near real-time data and maximize work efficiency.

8. Humanoid robot

In the post-pandemic era, humanoid robots are increasingly being used for tasks such as contactless cleaning and patient care. In addition, they are used in power plant inspections, maintenance and post-disaster recovery operations, saving workers from dangerous environments. In addition to receiving guests at the front desk, the humanoid robot will also take care of the sick and the elderly. They automate work like other robots to reduce expenses and boost production.

9. Automated Guided Vehicles

In warehouses, distribution centers, and production facilities, materials are often transported by automated guided vehicles. Their movement is controlled by software and a sensor-based navigation system that follows a predetermined path.

10. Assistive Robots

More and more people will benefit from the independence and higher quality of life offered by assistive robots. To sense, process, and communicate with humans, assistive robots employ sensors and intelligent algorithms that allow people to live independently and safely in their own homes.

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