
What exactly is a black hole? What exactly is inside a black hole?

the future, we believe that the physics community will correct the current physics theories. After all, many human physics theories (especially those involving black holes) are often based on hypotheses rather than verifiable theories.


Therefore, the black holes discussed in this article are most likely wrong. However, if it is not right, it is not right, and the discussion still needs to be discussed.

1. Black holes are not holes

Speaking of black holes, many people think that a black hole is a hole in the universe. But in fact, a black hole is not a hole. Black holes are essentially the same as stars and planets, they are all celestial bodies in the universe. However, the reason why a black hole is called a black hole is because the gravitational force inside the black hole is very large. This gravitational force is so huge that even if light appears in the black hole, it cannot escape the range of the black hole.

In fact, there is no conclusive statement in the contemporary cosmology and astronomy circles about the origin, or origin, of black holes. However, the black hole is not far from the earth. For example, some astronomers suspect that there should be a ninth planet (not Pluto) near Uranus, and the ninth planet may not be a planet, but a black hole.


According to the current cosmological theory, black holes are evolved from stars. It is generally believed that after the collapse of the star, the matter of the entire star is compressed at one point. Although the volume of the star is compressed into the volume of a point, the mass remains unchanged. Just like neutron stars and white dwarfs, although they are small in size, they have a lot of mass.

2. The fate of black holes

Of course, according to the current cosmological theory, black holes will not exist forever. Because with the formation of the black hole, the black hole will also appear in a state of material loss under the force of the universe. Eventually, when this loss reaches a certain critical point, the black hole will also explode. This explosion produces radiation. The matter that was previously sucked into the black hole by the strong gravitational force of the black hole will also be sprayed out. Cosmologists speculate that the celestial body that sprays black hole matter is a white hole-that is, the matter absorbed by the black hole will be thrown out in the white hole. However, there is an essential difference between black holes and white holes. That is, human beings can at least prove the existence of black holes at the moment. But the existence of white holes is still an unsolved mystery so far-because at present, the existence of white holes is only based on theory. Even many astrophysicists even said that according to the concept of astrophysics, the existence of white holes is not in line with science.

Of course, when it comes to the destruction of black holes, many people may find it unacceptable. But in fact, according to the concept of cosmology, the solar system and even the entire universe will die one day. No matter how powerful a black hole is, it is just a celestial body in the universe. The universe can be destroyed, not to mention black holes.


In short, the current human beings are quite embarrassing: whether it is dealing with white holes or black holes: the former is just a guess, and the latter also has limited knowledge. Therefore, with a high probability, there must be cognitive fallacies in human research on black holes and white holes. This is also characteristic of cosmology.

3. The conjecture of black holes

What does the interior of a black hole look like, or what will you find if you enter a black hole? What happened? Many sci-fi writers have conjectured and analyzed this issue. Cosmologists have also put forward many conjectures on this question.

Among them, the more interesting conjectures are about the following:

The first one is that after entering a black hole, it is possible to travel through time and space. Because cosmology believes that the speed of time passing inside a black hole will change. Therefore, it is not ruled out that there is a space-time gate inside the black hole.

The second type is the channel of parallel universes. Many cosmologists believe that there are a large number of parallel universes outside our universe. The black hole is the door to another universe.

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