
Space-based solar power is viable energy solution, says Government

Solar power could be beamed from space wirelessly, under new plans to solve Britain’s energy crisis in the longer term.

At the end of this month, Airbus will host a technology showcase to demonstrate that solar energy can be transported safely through the air, over a distance of around 130ft.

The company is already working alongside the British government and National Grid as part of the UK Space Energy Initiative (SEI), which launched last year to explore the possibility of space-based power.

It is hoped the demonstration will persuade governments to invest in vast solar arrays in space, which could open up a new era of green power in which sprawling solar farms could be built in space and energy transmitted directly down to Earth.

Dr Paul Bate, the head of the UK Space Agency told The Telegraph that space-based solar power could help Britain build a secure energy supply that did not rely on volatile states like Russia.

“On energy security, it’s only ever a matter of time before we harness the power of the Sun,” he said.

“With space-based solar power we already have expertise in the UK, and we already have a demonstrator in space, in the International Space Station (ISS), showing how we can harness a consistent baseload of energy which is safe and renewable.

“So some things we can already do and for the other things it’s about long-term investment over the next 10, 20 and 30 years. We have space-based solar power experts in Britain and other countries now getting involved, so I do think it’s something Britain will be benefiting from.”

Cosmic solar power stations by 2040

Solar-based energy has been on the drawing board since the 1970s but is now being taken seriously, as countries scramble to find new reliable power sources amid ongoing tensions over Russia’s gas pipelines and the desire to hit Net Zero.

Recent advances in space launch technology mean that it is finally cost-effective to transport panels into space.

A report published last month by engineering consultancy Frazer Nash and London Economics found that a space-based solar power station could be online by 2040 or earlier, producing 800 TWh a year with an investment of around £21 billion – around the same price as a nuclear power plant.

The group estimates it would provide power at £59 per MWh, similar to other renewable technologies.

Solar panels in space can produce up to 40 times the amount of power as on Earth because the sunlight is not reflected or absorbed by the atmosphere. They can also be positioned to avoid any nighttime, meaning power generation would be continuous.

Energy from a solar farm would be channelled into a collecting satellite which could convert it to high-frequency radio waves and beamed to a rectifying antenna (known as a rectenna) on the earth.

Space-based power ‘economically competitive’

The Telegraph understands that Germany in particular is keen to invest in space-based solar because of its heavy reliance on Russia’s Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline.

The Airbus demonstration will take place in Munich on September 27, and members of the UK Space Agency and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) will be watching the results closely.

Last year, BEIS also commissioned a report from Frazer Nash on space-based solar power which found it was technically feasible, potentially economically competitive and aligned with UK government priorities.

The group said that an orbital demonstrator could be in place by 2031 with an operational system ready by 2040. The government recently released £3 million to further the project.

Martin Soltau, of the Frazer-Nash Consultancy and Co-Chair, Space Energy Initiative, said the Munich event was designed to show the world that wireless solar was possible.

“Wireless power transmission is the core technology at the heart of space-based solar power, so it is very helpful to show policy makers and the public that this is a technology which exists today and for which the physical principles are well understood.

“The Munich demonstration event is all part of raising awareness with the energy sector as much as the space sector.”

The European Space Agency (ESA) also recently announced it will seek funding for a space-based solar power feasibility programme – dubbed Solaris – from European ministers in November.

Josef Aschbacher, the director general of the ESA, said: “Space-based Solar Power would be an important step towards carbon neutrality and energy independence for Europe.”

The programme aims to determine whether beaming solar power to the ground is viable for terrestrial needs and says it will come to a decision by 2025.

More than 50 British technology companies and government departments have signed up to the UK Space Energy Initiative, which launched last year to explore options for space-based power.

Partners include National Grid, Airbus, Cambridge University, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for International Trade, Innovate UK, Imperial College London and Deloitte.

The UK SEI believes that beaming energy from space could help Britain meet its Net Zero target of 2050 more effectively than current technologies.

China and the US are also currently looking into space based solar, with Xidian University recently proving that solar power can be converted into microwaves and beamed across distances. The group has set a target of 2028 to have a solar power plant in space.

The US has made $180 million available for a solar programme led by Northrop Grumman and the US Air Force Research Lab.

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