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In 1996, NASA discovered a mysterious “glass tunnel” on Mars. Is there really an alien civilization?

A mysterious glass tunnel has been discovered on Mars. Is this evidence of the existence of alien civilization?

? In the vast universe, 55 million kilometers away from the earth, there is such a magical planet, which is covered in fiery red, and is known as the most earth-like planet in the solar system. Since its discovery, people have never stopped discussing it, and this mysterious planet is “Mars“.

With the continuous development of human science and technology, people are gradually stepping out of the earth to explore the mysteries of space in the depths of the galaxy, eager to find the existence of alien civilizations in the depths of the galaxy. In 1996, NASA discovered a very strange “glass tunnel” on Mars, and its appearance also made many people suspect that this is evidence of the existence of alien civilization.


Mysterious cosmic neighbor “Mars”
As we all know, the earth we live on is a member of the solar system family. Since its birth, it has been revolving around the sun and floating in the quiet space of the universe. In the solar system family, the earth is not alone. There are seven other planets scattered around the earth, and these planets are also moving around the sun. Among the seven planets, Mars is the most mysterious.

Mars is a terrestrial planet with a diameter of 6,794 kilometers. It is the second asteroid in the solar system and is about 55 million kilometers away from the earth. Because the surface of Mars is covered by a large amount of hematite, it presents a strange and gorgeous orange-red color in the universe.


And for thousands of years, people have never stopped speculating about the existence of “Mars civilization”, because this mysterious planet has too many similarities with the earth.

Like the earth, Mars also has a revolution period of close to 24 hours, so on Mars, we can also see the alternation of day and night similar to that of the earth. Similarly, there are distinct seasonal changes on Mars, but because the revolution period is longer than that of the Earth, the four-season cycle on Mars is about twice that of the Earth.


In order to better explore the mysteries of Mars, NASA once sent the Curiosity Mars rover to land on the surface of Mars for close-range exploration missions.

After conducting the survey, Curiosity actually found some extremely peculiar light-colored rocks in the ancient rock formations of Mars. These rocks are very similar to the structure of the ancient Earth’s crust. In addition, NASA also announced that it has found evidence that liquid water once existed on Mars.

All kinds of phenomena show that there is a great possibility of life on Mars, so people have always been in awe of Mars, because it is very likely to be the only “echo of life” that humans can find in the universe.


‘Glass Tunnel’ Appears on Mars
With the continuous development of science and technology, human beings have also opened up the territory of “exploring Mars”. On November 7, 1996, the United States successfully launched an orbiter to Mars. After more than two years of space travel, the probe finally landed on this mysterious planet and started a long exploration mission.

In the early days of exploration, the main mission of the probe was to explore the atmospheric composition of Mars and to map the interior of Mars. During the mission, the probe began to continuously send photos of this strange planet to people on Earth. And in the process of receiving the photos, the staff discovered something abnormal in the photos: they found something similar to a “tunnel” in the photos, and this mysterious tunnel was also transparent like glass.


For scientists, this is undoubtedly a strange discovery, because on the silent Mars, such “artificial products” are impossible to appear, so in the early days of discovering the “mysterious tunnel”, many scientists believed that this was just a one-off coincide.

The reason why the mysterious tunnel appears is that the detector is affected by environmental factors, which leads to improper shooting angles.

But in addition, many people think that this is the best evidence for the existence of “life on Mars”.


Some biologists speculate that the mysterious glass tunnel is actually a special life form on Mars, similar to ice worms on Earth. And such speculation undoubtedly adds another layer of mystery to Mars. Could it be that we have found life on Mars?


The truth about the mysterious glass tunnel
As the calls for “Life on Mars” and the existence of “Martian civilization” intensified, some NASA scientists finally gave their own inference: the mysterious tunnel is actually a ravine on Mars.

In fact, such an inference is not unreasonable. After all, fundamentally, the possibility of life on Mars is still extremely low. Due to the influence of the magnetic field, the atmosphere on Mars is extremely thin, and there is hardly any oxygen. And because there is no protection of the atmosphere, there is an extremely terrifying temperature difference between day and night on Mars.


At night, the lowest temperature on Mars can reach about minus 120 degrees. And on Mars, humans have never found real flowing liquid water, and all evidence of the existence of liquid water is still in the speculative stage. So no matter from any point of view, it is difficult for any living organism to survive in an extreme environment like Mars.

Fundamentally and from a technical point of view, humans are still unable to truly reach the surface of Mars to explore the mysteries, and are still at the stage where they can only send probes to find evidence of the existence of life for us. So in essence, it is difficult for human beings to comprehensively explore the mysteries of Mars. The long interstellar journey and the harsh planetary environment are all waiting for us to overcome. Therefore, the mysterious glass tunnel on Mars is most likely just a visual error, and it cannot be used as evidence of the existence of civilization or life.


For human beings, although we have not yet obtained the “echo of life” on Mars, we believe that with the continuous development of science and technology, one day we will be able to set foot on the land of Mars in person to find evidence of the existence of life, to find to the existence of civilizations beyond the earth.

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