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Scientists discover alien planets? 100 light-years away from the earth, will human beings no longer be alone?

Has NASA Really Found Alien Planets?

Astronomers have announced the discovery of two exoplanets about 100 light-years away from Earth.

The two exoplanets are called super-Earths.

The main reason for attracting the attention of scientists is that these two planets have very similar environments to Earth, with a slightly larger mass than Earth.


One of the planets, named lp 89 0-9c, has attracted the attention of scientists. Its volume is very close to our earth, only about 1.4 times that of the earth.


However, what makes people feel even more incredible is the orbital period of this planet.

It takes about 3.9 Earth days for him to orbit the star once.

So on this planet, you can observe the changes of the four seasons in 3.9 days, and you can imagine what kind of scene it is.


The planet Lp 8909c is in the middle of the star’s habitability.

It is very similar to our environment on Earth.

Although it is closer to the star, it receives very little radiation and heat from the star.


If the planet has an atmosphere, it means that there will be a lot of liquid water on the planet’s surface.

Because the atmosphere can stabilize surface water resources.

We all know that if there are water resources, it means that it is very likely that there will be alien life on this planet.


Let’s review the planet Kepler 22b we mentioned earlier.


When humans discovered this planet, they were very excited, because the environment of this planet and our earth is also very similar.

Scientists even call it the second home of mankind.


But we are very sorry that the distance between Cape 22b and our earth is about 600 light-years.

What kind of concept is 600 light years?


It takes about 600 years to travel at the speed of light. According to our current fastest information transmission method for human beings, to convey information to that planet.

If you do not consider the occurrence of intermediate errors or unexpected situations, it will take more than 600 years to communicate once.


So even if Kepler 22b, its environment is similar to our earth, this distance limits our access to this planet.


What’s more, up to now, according to the speed of Voyager 1, the farthest probe that has flown by human beings, after flying for more than 40 years, it has just reached the edge of the solar system.

It is only a distance of 22 billion km.


Therefore, if Kepler-22b is viewed according to the existing physical cognition, it may always be just a dream that human beings long for and cannot reach.

But lp8909c is different, the planet is only about 100 light-years away from our Earth.

Much closer than Kepler 22b.


However, even such a short distance is still not enough for our current technology to achieve this goal.

Therefore, the distance of 100 light-years does not seem to be far, but if we detect it according to the existing technology of human beings, we want to reach that planet. It may also be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years using current aircraft.

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