
Chinese space station tomato grows seedlings

The official Weibo of China Manned Space Engineering Network, “Manned Spaceflight Speaker”, posted the photos taken by the Shenzhou 14 astronauts in orbit.

As early as before Feitian, Cai Xuzhe revealed that he brought lettuce seeds in Feitian’s “bag” and planned to plant some green plants on the space station.

It is understood that the Wentian experimental cabin is equipped with scientific experimental facilities such as life ecological experimental cabinets, biotechnology experimental cabinets, scientific glove boxes, low-temperature storage cabinets, and variable gravity scientific experimental cabinets.

Among them, the life ecology experimental cabinet can use plant seeds, seedlings, plants, small animals and other biological individuals as experimental samples to carry out spatial growth experiments of animals and plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana, nematodes, fruit flies, and zebrafish.

In addition to the seedlings, this group of photographs also includes photos of three astronauts holding a five-star red flag, and a picture of the Chinese space station looking at the earth, etc.

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