
In 2022, the Chinese space station “Tiangong” is expected to complete the on-orbit construction! 6 missions in total

The crew of China’s Shenzhou 13 has been in orbit for 183 days. At present, the astronauts are in good health. The complete success of the Shenzhou 13 manned mission marks the successful conclusion of the key technology verification phase of the space station, which will be implemented 6 times this year. Flying mission to complete the orbital construction of the Chinese space station.

All modules of the space station, manned spacecraft, cargo spacecraft, relay satellites, and the Long March series of launch vehicles used in the Tiangong Space Station project are all developed by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. participate.

At the press conference, the director of the China Manned Space Engineering Office stated that 2022 is the 30th anniversary of the establishment of China’s manned space project. According to the mission plan, six missions will be carried out this year:
Launched the Tianzhou-4 cargo spacecraft in May;
In June, the Shenzhou 14 manned spacecraft was launched, and 3 astronauts were stationed in the core module and stayed in orbit for 6 months;
In July, the Wentian experimental module of the space station was launched and docked with the Tianhe core module;
In October, the Mengtian experimental module was launched to dock with the core module, and then the three modules of the space station formed the basic configuration of the “T” shape, completing the orbital construction of the Chinese space station;
The Tianzhou 5 cargo spacecraft and the Shenzhou 15 manned spacecraft will be launched later. The Shenzhou 15 flight crew consists of 3 astronauts. After rotating in orbit with the Shenzhou 14 astronauts, 6 will stay in orbit. moon.

Yang Hong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the chief designer of the China Manned Space Engineering Space Station System from the Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Group, introduced that the Wentian experimental cabin to be launched this year is equipped with the same living facilities as the Tianhe core cabin, including three sleepers. It can support the docking of 2 manned spaceships and the lives of 6 astronauts together with the core module, equipped with small robotic arms, and the Wentian experimental module also has the core module for the management and control functions of the combination. In the backup cabin, when the platform function of the core cabin fails, it can be switched to the Wentian experimental cabin to perform the control and management functions of the combination; the Mengtian experimental cabin is equipped with a cargo airlock, which can realize the continuous update of the test items outside the cabin.

According to reports, the Sky Survey Space Telescope will be launched next year to carry out wide-area sky survey observations. It is expected to carry out scientific research on dark matter and dark energy, exoplanets and solar system celestial bodies. China’s manned spaceflight will move from near-Earth space to Earth-moon space, and then to deep space. At present, it has carried out key technical research and in-depth demonstration of manned lunar exploration.
After the completion of China Tiangong Space Station, it will enter the application and development stage for more than 10 years. At this stage, it is initially planned to launch 2 manned spacecraft and 2 cargo spacecraft every year. The astronauts will stay in orbit for a long time to carry out space science experiments and technical experiments. and the maintenance of the space station, a new generation of manned launch vehicles and a new generation of manned spacecraft will be developed, and the return capsules of the new generation of manned launch vehicles and the new generation of manned spacecraft will be reused. The new spacecraft can carry 7 astronauts. And the downlink load capacity will be greatly improved.

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