
Breakthrough in room temperature superconducting technology: subverting physics

The United States announced that nuclear fusion technology has achieved “net energy gain” for the first time. This is a major breakthrough related to energy technology. It is also a new technology that subverts physics.

Physicist Ranga Dias of the University of Rochester in the United States and his team recently announced at the American Physical Society meeting that they have found a new material called the ternary lutetium-nitrogen hydrogen system (ternary lutetium-nitrogen hydrogen system), which has achieved normal temperature superconducting.

Based on this material, under the pressure of 10Kbar, the highest temperature of superconducting transformation is only 294K, which is about 21 degrees at room temperature, which has reached the normal temperature level of human life.


This pressure is still very high, equivalent to 10,000 times the atmospheric pressure, but it has been greatly reduced compared with the previous pressure to achieve normal temperature superconductivity. In the past, it may have required tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands to millions of times the atmospheric pressure.

At present, the research they have published has not been reviewed by the industry, and this team has also had similar papers withdrawn before, but if the research can be confirmed, this technology can be said to subvert the existence of physics, and it is beneficial to many fields of human science and technology. have extremely profound effects.

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