
Does the universe make sense without humans?

What does human beings mean to the universe? If human beings really disappear, will this vast cosmic space still have meaning?

human history
The history of mankind is very long, and it takes millions of words to be recorded in thick books; but the history of mankind is also very short. From our birth to the present, the sun has not traveled around the center of the Milky Way.

4.6 billion years ago, under the gravitational pull of the sun, a broken planet was born, which is our earth. At that time, the earth was surrounded by flames, and the ravines on the surface were full of magma. However, because of the moderate distance from the sun, the earth quickly formed an atmosphere and stabilized its own temperature.


Afterwards, organic matter that came from nowhere gathered in the ocean, and the substances between them began to exchange, and finally formed proteins and amino acids, which became the necessary conditions for the beginning of life. Single-celled organisms were also born during this period , at least 3.5 billion years ago.

After that, the single-celled organisms began a long evolution. They ate each other, accumulated nutrients, and gradually changed their size. The strong became bigger, and the weak disappeared in the torrent of history.


After billions of years of differentiation, single-celled organisms have become various organisms. Some organisms grow wings to soar in the sky, some organisms grow gills to swim in the sea, and we humans have evolved the most A well-developed brain rules all creatures on this planet with civilization and force.

If you look at it this way alone, the history of human evolution can be described as a vast epic, and the evolutionary path of billions of years cannot be summed up with “inspirational”. But compared with the universe, we human beings are still too small.


universe and human
At present, no one knows how the universe came into existence. Although the big bang theory has many believers, it is not necessarily the truth.

What is certain is that the universe has existed for at least 13 billion years, and all matter in the universe releases energy during high-speed evolution, and eventually connects with each other, forming one after another celestial system.

According to the estimates of scientists, there are at least one trillion billion planets in the universe. This is a difficult number to read, but it is an indisputable fact. It can be seen that the universe is huge…


The universe didn’t intend to have humans?
Although human beings are already the most advanced life on earth, many people believe that the birth of human beings is just a coincidence that can be called an accident, and the universe did not want human beings to appear at all in the beginning.

Although this sentence sounds pessimistic, it has some truth. Biologists discovered during archaeology that there are indeed many “lucky” factors in the origin of life on earth. For example: the earth did not have organic matter at the beginning, and the necessary factors for this kind of life are likely to be brought to the earth by alien meteorites, that is to say, maybe all the creatures on the earth can be called “alien species” “.


The emergence of human beings is even more unexpected. The reason why we are different from all other creatures on the earth is that human beings have mastered advanced wisdom, and the emergence of this kind of wisdom is likely to be caused by genetic mutations. of.

The reason why human ancestors were able to distinguish themselves from other primates in the process of evolution is because they mastered a rich language system, established a strong cooperative population, and finally harvested a lot of food to promote brain development.

Therefore, some people think that our birth is a coincidence. The universe did not give the conditions for the birth and evolution of human beings at all, and He did not want to have human beings at all.


universe without humans
Does the universe make sense after the loss of humans? Of course there will be.

The conservatively estimated diameter of the universe is 156 billion light-years. In such a vast space, everything is meaningful, such as the rotation and revolution of planets, the explosion and death of supernovae, and the nuclear fusion of elements such as hydrogen and helium in the universe. Reaction… These are the meanings of the universe, and these phenomena will not stop because of the loss of human beings.


However, the word “meaning” was originally given by human beings, and it is a vocabulary full of subjective consciousness. Not even the universe itself is powerful enough to give new meaning to the word.

“Meaning” is human civilization. If human civilization disappears, then the meaning of the universe will no longer exist.


the future of mankind
Although human beings are very small, we should not give up the exploration of the universe. This is a long and arduous journey, perhaps a journey with no end at all. Exploring the unknown is the future of mankind and the meaning of human existence.

For millions of years, our ancestors have come to today step by step from the primitive people who drank hair and blood, and paid the price of blood and tears. Behind this is the tenacity of life and the hymn of civilization. So, as younger generations, how can we deny the meaning and value of our own existence because “the universe is too huge”?

We are the writers of history, but also the explorers of the unknown. Using knowledge and technology to change our position in the universe is what human beings should do most at present.


It is undeniable that our human understanding and exploration of the universe have fallen into a bottleneck period.

Double leaps in thought and technology like the Enlightenment and the Industrial Age have been extremely rare, but scientists still have not given up. They sit in front of the telescope all day long, spying on the vast universe with a pair of human eyes. I believe that one day, human exploration of the universe will reach a new dimension, and we will become a more powerful civilization.

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