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How AI technology and creativity are intertwined in marketing

One of the most important applications of artificial intelligence is marketing. AI can help automate many marketing practices and allow companies to get more value from their efforts.

One of the most important applications of artificial intelligence is marketing. AI can help automate many marketing practices and allow companies to get more value from their efforts.

But does AI come with a price? Will it force companies to be less creative? The answer is no. AI and creativity can go hand in hand.

Artificial intelligence and natural creativity should not replace each other
The goal of every company is to make sure its brand stays fresh in people’s minds. As more and more companies are looking for different ways to reach people and enhance their brand image, there is often a conflict between two important tools – technology and creativity.

How do you know when to rely more on artificial intelligence techniques than your natural creativity? Is there a line of convergence where two concepts can meet?

Smart companies recognize that AI technology and creativity can actually complement each other in marketing. This is one of the most important ways they use AI in their business.

Artificial intelligence technology and creativity are a perfect match
We’ve discussed before about whether AI will replace human designers. As Adobe points out, this discussion has been going on for years, but it isn’t. It does not replace the need for creativity. In fact, AI allows design professionals to free up their time for mundane tasks and allow them to focus more on creative tasks.

Marketing technology has become a very important part of a company’s approach to customers. With artificial intelligence technology, ads can be tailored and targeted to your audience with incredible precision. Likewise, today’s customers are busy. To attract them, you need to make your ad highly relevant and engaging. You need to find creative ways to get them to come to you – an advertising strategy that makes it easy for you to stand out.

Many artificial intelligence tools make the quality of marketing ideas higher than ever before. For example, Canva, Photoshop, and other design platforms use AI to help isolate subjects in photos when removing backgrounds or performing other tasks. This helps designers create higher quality silhouettes to use in their marketing designs. AI can also keep track of certain tasks and then automate them to produce ideas in batches. PhotoShop and Illustrator have “automation” tools to do this with AI.

Additionally, AI can help companies test their designs more easily. They can create mock environments to see how their designs will look on different devices.

It’s also worth noting that customers are now using multiple devices. That means you need to ensure creativity moves seamlessly across all platforms and devices. Combined with the need to effectively optimize for speed and efficiency, it’s easy to see why technology and creativity are critical to the success of your endeavors.

Should AI technology and creativity in marketing tasks conflict?​​

Smart, creative and engaging. While these may sound personal, these terms also describe the future of advertising and brand exposure. Ads are now more personal and fun than ever. This requires increased creativity in how these ads are produced.

AI technology also comes in handy to help brands target their audiences effectively. For example, today, companies can easily leverage a variety of technologically advanced tools like Adlook, leveraging the platform’s superior technology to create optimized campaigns and target more people more effectively with artificial intelligence.

The combination of artificial intelligence and creativity means companies have more opportunities to reach their audiences. However, it also means the stakes are much higher. If your brand can “match” your target audience, then you have a chance to make a great first impression. Anything below this value, risk losing the customer.

So, which one should you pay more attention to? Should creativity be more important, or should there be more focus on technical optimization?

The best brand marketers understand that this conflict shouldn’t even exist. Creativity and technology can easily work together to allow you to overcome the challenges each concept may face while working.

Optimal positioning meets well-crafted storytelling
By combining technology and creativity, brands can enjoy the best of both worlds. You can use the power of technology to find your target market, and creativity ensures that you can create compelling and engaging ads that will instantly grab the attention of your target audience.

The current direction of branding campaigns is more focused on prioritizing focused engagement over general brand exposure. Likewise, brands are now rethinking how they connect with their audiences. Once you’ve successfully got your brand in front of people, you need to make sure you’re delivering the right, most relevant message.

To do this, you can start by leveraging the platforms and technologies available. Examples of Adlook and their ContextAI©️ have been pointed out to reach their target audience. At the same time, technology tools help brands measure and track results, so they know what works and what doesn’t.

Now that you have the right technology, the next step is to create great content. This is where creativity comes in. Advertisers today need to use creative formats and features in innovative ways to reach more people and bring their brands to life. Your customers want more than static images and ads that last a few minutes without really engaging them. If you don’t provide these, your ability to reach and increase brand awareness will suffer significantly.

To address this, creatives can leverage the digital environment and incorporate it into their storytelling. With the new display ad format, brands can now build high-quality, polished content through video and other channels. They can scale to add more flexibility to their ads without making too many changes.

Make consumers work for you
Another interesting point for marketers to know is that consumers themselves can easily help build the right ad content. To make your content engaging, let your consumers play a role in their own experience.

Rather than just provide them with an experience, build interactive features and ways to let users choose their own experience. At the end of the day, the important thing to note is that no one knows how to meet the needs of customers like the customers themselves. So give them as much variety as possible and let them choose how they want to interact with you.

Finally, remember to also build long-term campaigns. Create engaging experiences that make your customers feel like they belong to a community they can be proud of and want to continue engaging with. They feel more invested in the brand — not just during the ad experience. Just like that, your clients become freelance marketers.

Conclusion: Merging AI and Creativity
Both AI technology and creativity can play a role in driving brand awareness. While it’s easy to believe that the two should be mutually exclusive, that’s not the case. Marketers need to leverage all available technologies to create optimal targeting and understand their audiences, and creativity ensures they can tell the right stories and engage those audience members.​

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