
How will the emergence of sex robots affect humans in the future?

In the near future, there should be sex robots, and I think it should be of great significance to mark the separation of sex and the biological instinct of reproduction.

In May 2017, California-based sex toy maker Abyss Creations announced that Harmony, a real sex robot, had been successfully developed and sold. Whether you like it or not, the age of sex robots is coming to us in great strides, and will undoubtedly set off a quiet “sex revolution”, which will have a major impact and even subversive consequences on human emotions, love, and sex. Today, as the age of artificial intelligence is constantly approaching human society, it is very necessary to think about sex robots and their far-reaching effects.

The “sex revolution” triggered by sex robots

One day in the future, a writer who writes love letters for others will encounter the incarnation of an artificial intelligence system – “Samantha, dubbed by the sexy goddess Scarlett, made Theodore let down his guard and reveal his Fragile, lonely and hesitant, so hopelessly in love It’s just an operating system that can talk to humans and constantly enrich its own consciousness and feelings, but it has such a big impact on the male protagonist. Undoubtedly, the learning function of artificial intelligence combined with the simulation technology of sex dolls will bring great shock to human beings.
Compared with traditional silicone dolls, the sex robot Harmony is more advanced, intelligent and human-like. Equipped with this robot, it can achieve all-round restoration of temperature and sound. “She” can speak, move her head, blink her eyes, and move her lips. She has 12 personality traits such as innocence, kindness, and sexiness. The most eye-catching is Harmony’s evolvable AI system, which can continuously learn and develop real feelings with humans. Harmony is designed to provide people with company, not just sex, so when “she” can fulfill your deep fantasies, it can be your best friend, too, the company said.

Its creator, Matthew McMullen, is a professional artist and sculptor who made a 1:1 live-action doll for himself in 1996. He said, “Harmony was created to prove that it could be the ideal partner, to get to know the people she interacts with through conversations and to remember those things. It’s more about friendship than sex, which is what everyone cares about. Yes. We spend a lot of time working on the interactive part, not the sex part. Harmony is a bit like Siri or Alexa, but she’s personalized, so each user can choose personality traits, a voice and an avatar.”

The development of sex robots has been going on for 7 years. From its development process, it is undoubtedly moving in the direction of more and more simulation, simulating human emotions and minds, and getting closer and closer to real people. There are currently four main companies in the sex robot market. In addition to Urbis Creative and True Companion, there are also Android Love Doll and Sex Bot Company. Their products have their own emphasis, there are male and female versions. Today’s female/male robots are so complex that a high-end model uses 25,000 patents. Harmony’s AI app, released by Real botix, offers 18 different personality types.

When Roxxxy was released, it was met with resistance from British robotic ethicist Kathleen Richardson. She launched a campaign calling for a ban on companies developing sex robots, hoping to bring attention to the issue. “Sex robots seem to be becoming a big focus of the robotics industry, and they’re all focusing on what the robot looks like and what role the robot plays, which is very disturbing,” she said. Catherine believes that such robots will harm men and women as well as The relationship between adults and children, because sex robots can make people’s physical needs outweigh their emotional needs and lead to gender stereotypes.

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