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Robot Wars: How Technology Is Shaping Ukraine Conflict

Decades-old weapons and cutting-edge technology have made the war in Ukraine a testing ground for how the old can work with the new.

The buzz of AI powered drones from a new era fly above the trench warfare, Soviet-era tanks and artillery bombardments that form much of the imagery of the Russian invasion.

Moscow has reportedly used the Kalashnikov Kub and Lancet Kamikaze drones, while Ukraine has relied on the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 that boasts “laser guided smart ammunition.”
Russia’s use of Iranian supplied Shahed-136 UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), also known as “kamikaze drones,” which reportedly cost as little as $20,000 each, has given Moscow a cheap but effective way to hit Ukrainian energy infrastructure and terrorize the population. Tehran denies it has supplied the drones.

The U.S. has also committed to supplying Ukraine with Switchblade kamikaze drones and “Phoenix Ghosts” that use GPS-tracking and object recognition software.

“I think we’re experiencing the first cyber AI war,” said David Cipoletta, co-founder and chief technical officer of Pison, which is supplying Ukraine’s armed forces with wearable wrist bands that use what is called Neural Control technology.

Worn on the right wrist, the kit allows faster interaction with drones, gestures sending them to a detonator point without the need to use a joystick. Pison will supply this technology to the Ukrainian Armed Forces early in 2023, possibly part of U.S. and U.K. security aid packages.

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